terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013

Ficar igual a Marte

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Meu comentário sobre o texto do Global Footprint Network sobre “Today is Earth Overshoot Day”:

Ficar igual a Marte

Enquanto isso no G20 os países estão desesperados com pouco crescimento que consome matéria e energia a taxas alarmantes e são no fundo os únicos itens da realidade à nossa volta. Estão criando zonas de livre comércio com a Ásia que colocam navios na rota sem gêlo do Pôlo Ártico, junto com as escavadeiras de mineração submarina e plataformas petrolíferas. Nas cidades, constroem-se ziguilhões de prédios e construções por dia e estamos sendo soterrados por carros e construções nas cidades, enquanto a sensação de humanidade se esvazia pelo ralo. Enquanto isso, o sonho de todos é viajar para o exterior num niilismo de não fazer parte de onde estamos.  Vivemos o modelo vazio individual da casa-carro-viagem-ao-exterior jamais visto que só se resolve com consumo de psicotrópicos. Se uma nave extraterrestre estivesse planejando a nossa dizimação, com um pouco de estudo sobre o que fazemos por aqui, eles descobririam que só precisam esperar um pouco, sem ser necessário nenhum esforço para lograr aquele objetivo.  Talvez, por um relance, eles pensem: opa, espera aí, o que eles vão deixar para nós é um planeta igual à Marte, porque se os seres vivos da Terra sumirem, a água some junto!  Puxa vida, talvez seja melhor retirar a espécie agressora estúpida e deixar o resto. Bom, sabemos que não temos nave espacial tentando nos dizimar e ocupar nosso planeta. Mas sabemos que nosso futuro é ficar igual Marte...

Segue o texto:

August 20 is Earth Overshoot Day, the approximate date humanity’s annual demand on nature exceeds what Earth can renew in a year. In just 7 months and 20 days, we have demanded a level of ecological resources and services — from food and raw materials to sequestering carbon dioxide from fossil fuel emissions — equivalent to what Earth can regenerate for all of 2013. Humanity has exhausted nature’s budget for the year.

For the rest of the year, we are operating in overshoot. We will maintain our ecological deficit by depleting stocks of fish, trees and other resources, and accumulating waste such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and oceans. As our level of consumption, or “spending,” grows, the interest we are paying on this mounting ecological debt — shrinking forests, biodiversity loss, fisheries collapse, food shortages, degraded land productivity and the build-up of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and oceans — not only burdens the environment but also undermines our economies. Climate change — a result of greenhouse gases being emitted faster than they can be absorbed by forests and oceans — is the most widespread impact of ecological overspending.

In 1961, humanity used only about two-thirds of Earth’s available ecological resources. Back then, most countries had ecological reserves. Yet both global demand and population are increasing.  In the early 1970s, increased carbon emissions and human demand for resources began outstripping what the planet could renewably produce. We went into ecological overshoot. Global Footprint Network’s 2012 National Footprint Accounts show humanity is now using ecological resources and services at a rate it would take just over 1.5 Earths to renew. We are on track to require the resources of two Earths well before mid-century.

Today, more than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries that use more than the ecosystems within their own borders can renew. These “ecological debtor” countries either deplete their own ecological resources or get them from elsewhere. Japan’s residents consume the ecological resources of 7.1 Japans. It would take four Italys to support Italy. Egypt uses the ecological resources of 2.4 Egypts.

Not all countries demand more than their ecosystems can provide, but even the reserves of such “ecological creditors” like Brazil, Indonesia, and Sweden are shrinking over time. We can no longer sustain a widening budget gap between what nature is able to provide and how much our infrastructure, economies and lifestyles require.

It is possible to turn the tide. Ecological debtors have an incentive to reduce their resource dependence, while creditors have the economic, political and strategic motive for preserving their ecological capital. Global Footprint Network and its network of partners are working with organizations, governments and financial institutions around the globe to make decisions aligned with ecological reality. Rather than liquidating resources, it is wiser to treat them as an ongoing source of wealth.

Earth Overshoot Day is a valuable opportunity to raise awareness about humanity’s ecological resource use. We invite you to promote Earth Overshoot Day on your website, in your newsletters and on your social media channels. Our Twitter handle (@EndOvershoot) uses the hashtags #OvershootDay, #EcologicalFootprint and #EcologicalOvershoot.

We would love to hear your plans to mark Earth Overshoot Day, whether as simple as a newsletter item or Facebook post, or as elaborate as a national plant-a-tree campaign. Also, please inform us of any media coverage in the form of links to newspaper articles or broadcast reports. You can reach us at media@footprintnetwork.org.

Thank you for supporting Earth Overshoot Day! We look forward to being part of this year’s observance with you.

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